Contact us

(417) 307-8588 – Caplinger Tree Service

Caplinger Tree Service & Caplinger Wood Products

(573) 746-1149 – Caplinger Wood Products

Caplinger Mills, Stockton, MO


Business Hours

Mon – Sat: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm | Sun: Closed

Caplinger Tree Service is part time, seasonal. We slow down during the two hottest months of the year (July & August), and the two coldest months of the year (Jan & Feb). The tree service was our full time gig at one time; we all have other full time jobs now, but we still do trees on the side. Call ahead to book your weekend.

Contact Caplinger Tree Service and Caplinger Wood Products Today

Our arborists serve Cedar County, MO and surrounding areas

Caplinger Tree Service focuses on tree removal, stump grinding and tree pruning. However, we also offer ground clearing and fence removal services in Stockton, MO and surrounding areas. We also have other Products and services available.

We’d be glad to give you a free estimate.
You can also call (417) 307-8588
or (816) 518-8804 to speak with our arborists.

Contact our Wood engineer at (573) 746-1149 for buildings, Decks, building materials, crafts, decor and other useful Items.

For Camp Fire Wood, Call: (417) 309-8278
(417) 808-0409 or (573) 746-1149

Bulk Fire Wood: (573) 746-1149

Copyright © 2024 Caplinger Tree Service | Caplinger Wood Products
All Rights Reserved

Stockton, MO


Caplinger Tree Services